Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Gateshead, my home, well Mrs Reed’s home, I’m not welcome here; I can feel it every day, like I’m a pest. Mrs Reed, John, Georgiana and Eliza live together as a family with their wealth and spoilt attitudes, I’m quite the opposite; the odd one out. I’ve always been that way. I like to keep to myself by reading and imagining my own little world, away from this cruel family. I cannot express just how cruel this family is, people don’t understand, I can try all day long to share what they do but people don’t believe me, they would rather take Mrs Reed’s word. Let me tell you a story, a true story in fact, one day I was peacefully reading a book while hiding from John. If you knew John, you would do the exact same thing. As I was reading he was looking for me, just to torment me, like his usual stupid games. He found me, forcefully pulled me to the ground and beat me. I couldn’t take it anymore so I did it back, just as he deserved. I was so unlucky, the one time I decide to stand up for myself, Mrs Reed finds me in the moment of beating John.  She decided to give me a horrific punishment; to send me to the Red Room. I can’t talk about the Red Room; it’s too much for me. The experience still gives me chills to this day. I hear Bessie calling me. I don’t mind Bessie, she’s quite a sweet lady, I better get along now.

Jane x

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