Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Life is so hard when you have just lost everyone that you thought would always be there. The special people that you thought were no harm and trustworthy and you realise that its all a lie. People act and smile in front of me but show hatred behind my back. I could not handle being the outsider anymore and getting treated like I was a kid and get secrets hidden away from me.

Everyone in Thornfield knew except for me about Bertha.   I thought to my self enough is enough. Sorry for making my blog sound sad for the past couple of blogs, I just wanted the secret about Rochester and Bertha to be a secret. I didnt want to get involved in any of their lives.

I am not going  to show my emotions because I am a strong independent woman. I am strong on my morals. I do not care on what other people think but on my opinions. I am just going to think to learn my lesson from this experience that I never want to have. 
Jane x

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